Job Site Layout

A Properly Laid Out Job Site Often Gets Done Faster

Use Case

Use this tool to design and execute the perfect Site Layout to improve construction Efficiency.

Product Focus

This product is designed for the heavy civil construction industry including dirt movers, underground contractors, concrete and paving contractors, landscaping.

initial setup time
Recommended Training

Recommended Training 1 hour for Project Mangers and Superintendents all through Vizzn University which includes initial live set up training plus, ongoing live help, weekly webinars, plus hundreds of how-to articles and videos

Vizzn Bundling Options

Vizzn Job Site Design can be used alone or is commonly bundled together for seamless interaction with Interactive Drawings for Extra Billings and Quality Control, Interactive Drawings for Estimating, Dispatch and Scheduling, and Interactive Drawings for Day-to-Day Construction

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