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Frequently Asked Questions

It is quite simple to roll out Vizzn in any organization as any one person’s role within the system can be easily understood within 30 minutes and groups can learn at once. Vizzn also handles all the set up and training and follows and agreed plan of attack. If you are eager we welcome the one day challenge where your whole company is up and running in one day and you get an extra month for free! Generally count on 2 weeks to become a VEC company. Vizzn University broken down by role, regular webinars broken down by role and Vizzn Intercom makes sure no one gets frustrated during the learning stages. When you have team turn over – no problem we will train them too.

No its not redundant. Most of Vizzn’s customers are on either HCSS or HCSS equivalent products including heavy bid, heavy job, E360 and fueler plus. Vizzn does however augment those other products to make them more efficient.

No, use what makes sense to you. Even if you never use the dispatch and schedule or only use it for certain divisions you can still get incredible value out of the job scheduling with embedded equipment, the safety features and the site maps especially. Think of Vizzn being like Microsoft Excel – you can get great value out of excel without using the pivot table features.

Definitely NOT! 75% of Vizzn is simply replacing phone calls that are already happening and Vizzn is more efficient and tracks those conversations better. You will likely find superintendents, transport team leaders and mechanic leaders will spend 2,500+ minutes on the phone less. Vizzn will revolutionize what your supers and Project managers now do – make your projects more profitable not fighting fires that are a result of poor communication, missing transparency, lack of accountability and poor visibility into future events. Vizzn fixes all these problems.

The monthly fee will vary from $2,500/month to $5,000/month which will cover most companies up to 500 employees and 500 pieces of equipment. Companies larger than this are priced by request.

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